Are you rather sick of tweezing, waxing and shaving?

There has always been a strong desire amongst women to eliminate the offending hair on their body. Some women have a harder time achieving this than others – those of us with a darker complexion find our hair is thicker and more noticeable. An ominous, dark line of hair above the lip is not considered, in most circles, to be a desirable fashion statement. In addition to this, in the last 20 years or so, more and more women, fair, dark, black or yellow are choosing to eradicate, usually through waxing, all evidence of hair in the more intimate nooks and crannies of their anatomy. So, the fashionable trend is the acquisition of the hairless body.

But how best to achieve this without having to spend copious amounts of time, usually every 4-5 weeks for waxing, in the beauty salon?


Nd Yag Laser Hair Removal

At The well:skin we use Nd Yag laser hair removal. This latest laser technology is causing a real stir in the world of beauty as it ticks so many boxes for effective and efficient hair removal. On top of which, it is inexpensive – especially when compared to waxing.

Nd Yag laser hair removal is designed to remove hair permanently, using the light energy from a powerful laser beam. In most cases, even if permanent removal is not achieved, it certainly retards re-growth significantly. Its other main benefit is that it can remove hair from a large area of the body and is not confined to use on the small areas of the body. This is a great benefit for men who want to be rid of what they perceive to be unsightly back hair and, for some men, chest hair. Treatment of larger areas is effective and rapid thus saving a lot of time.


What Happens During a Laser Hair Removal Session?

Firstly, the area in question is cleaned and shaved thoroughly.  The powerful laser beam is then focused on the pigment in the hair follicles and an air cooling device is used to minimise discomfort. The absorption of the beams of light then damage the surrounding follicle and growth is retarded or permanently halted.


Is Removal of Hair by a Laser Safe?

Nd Yag Laser hair removal is proven to be a very safe procedure. Leading practitioners recommend you should ensure that your practitioner has the VTCT level 4 laser specific qualification. This level is currently the highest level achievable. Do check this out with your beauty salon before embarking on a course of treatment. As you’d expect all our Laser Hair Removal therapists are qualified to this level.


Is Laser Hair Removal painful?

Most patients report that laser hair removal sessions are not painful, but do expect a little discomfort.

Depending on the length of the session (they range from 10 minutes to 90 minutes), some redness or swelling may be in evidence. However, for most people this is very short-lived and the treatment rarely interrupts normal life.


Popular Areas of the Body

Facial hair removal is a very popular for both women and men. Women love banishing unsightly facial hair growth and men can even eliminate the need for the daily shave. As this area is a relatively small area of the body, the treatments can be as short of 30 minutes. In most cases, only 4-6 sessions are required in total to achieve permanent hair removal.

Also, a large, growing number of women (and men) like to be hairless in the intimate areas of the body and laser hair removal is like an answer to their prayers because within only 4-6 sessions, of, on average, 50 minutes, the hair can be eradicated from this area of the body permanently, for most people. Clients love the heightened feeling of hygiene in that area of the body, not to mention the heightened awareness of sensation in that area.

Indeed, laser hair removal treatments can work on any areas of the body; arms, legs….


Does Laser Hair Removal Suit all Skin Types?

Laser hair removal can be carried out on all skin types, including black, white, Asian and mixed race skin. There is no need to worry that laser hair removal will detrimentally affect a recently acquired tan so laser hair removal treatments can be carried out at any time of year.


 Nd Yag Laser Hair Removal vs IPL

If you have encountered IPL laser treatment in the past for hair removal, be aware that Nd Yag Laser hair removal is now considered a far superior treatment:

  • Firstly, extensive clinical results show that Nd Yag laser hair removal is much more effective.
  • Also, IPL usually requires more treatments than Nd Yag laser treatments.
  • Unsurprisingly, IPL is often a cheaper option but as the results are so much more inferior this is deemed to be false economy by most people.
  • Overall, the results from IPL treatments are usually short-lived and limited because IPLs do not penetrate as deeply as Nd Yag laser treatment.


Interested in learning more? Call 01733 555540 to arrange a complimentary consultation. You’ll find our Laser Hair Removal treatments’ page here.